Become A Sponsor
Join the Billfishing Team by completing the Donor Form
For more sponsor information, please see our Sponsor Packet
All sponsor donations are tax deductible through our 501(c)3 organization
Sponsorship Levels
Bronze Sponsorship: $2000
- Recognition in the Series Newsletter
- Invitation to and recognition at the Awards Reception
- Logo link on website
- Logo on Series banner
- Social media (general coverage)
- Appreciation award presented at Awards Reception
- Literature distributed in Series boat bags
- Logo revolving on front page of website
- Ability to use our logo in advertising
Silver Sponsorship: $5,000
- Recognition in the Series Newsletter
- Invitation to and recognition at the Awards Reception
- Logo link on website
- Logo on Series banner
- Social media (general coverage, minimum of 1 dedicated post during the Series)
- Appreciation award presented at Awards Reception
- Literature distributed in Series boat bags
- Logo revolving on front page of website
- Ability to use our logo in advertising
- Newsletter ad (1/4 page)
- Banner displayed at all tournaments
- VIP passes to all tournament events (2 passes)
- Large GCBS flag
Gold Sponsor: $10,000
- Recognition in the Series Newsletter
- Invitation to and recognition at the Awards Reception
- Logo link on website
- Logo on Series banner
- Social media (general coverage, minimum of 2 dedicated post during the Series)
- Appreciation award presented at Awards Reception
- Literature distributed in Series boat bags
- Logo revolving on front page of website
- Ability to use our logo in advertising
- Newsletter ad (1/2 page)
- Banner displayed at all tournaments
- VIP passes to all tournament events (6 passes) OR $1000 off tournament entry fee
- Large GCBS flag
- Recognized by each tournament
- Display (where space is available) at all tournaments
- Ex-officio member on the Advisory Board of Directors
Youth Angler Sponsor*: $15,000
- Recognition in the Series Newsletter
- Invitation to and recognition at the Awards Reception
- Logo link on website
- Logo on Series banner
- Social media (general coverage, minimum of 2 dedicated post during the Series)
- Appreciation award presented at Awards Reception
- Literature distributed in Series boat bags
- Logo revolving on front page of website
- Ability to use our logo in advertising
- Newsletter ad (1/2 page)
- Banner displayed at all tournaments
- VIP passes to all tournament events (6 passes) OR $1000 off tournament entry fee
- Large GCBS flag
- Recognized by each tournament
- Display (where space is available) at all tournaments
- Ex-officio member on the Advisory Board of Directors
- First option for subsequent year sponsorship
- Highlighted as Lady Angler sponsor on all recognition posts
Lady Angler Sponsor*: $15,000
- Recognition in the Series Newsletter
- Invitation to and recognition at the Awards Reception
- Logo link on website
- Logo on Series banner
- Social media (general coverage, minimum of 2 dedicated post during the Series)
- Appreciation award presented at Awards Reception
- Literature distributed in Series boat bags
- Logo revolving on front page of website
- Ability to use our logo in advertising
- Newsletter ad (1/2 page)
- Banner displayed at all tournaments
- VIP passes to all tournament events (6 passes) OR $1000 off tournament entry fee
- Large GCBS flag
- Recognized by each tournament
- Display (where space is available) at all tournaments
- Ex-officio member on the Advisory Board of Directors
- First option for subsequent year sponsorship
- Highlighted as Lady Angler sponsor on all recognition posts
Mate of the Year Sponsor*: $15,000
- Recognition in the Series Newsletter
- Invitation to and recognition at the Awards Reception
- Logo link on website
- Logo on Series banner
- Social media (general coverage, minimum of 2 dedicated post during the Series)
- Appreciation award presented at Awards Reception
- Literature distributed in Series boat bags
- Logo revolving on front page of website
- Ability to use our logo in advertising
- Newsletter ad (1/2 page)
- Banner displayed at all tournaments
- VIP passes to all tournament events (6 passes) OR $1000 off tournament entry fee
- Large GCBS flag
- Recognized by each tournament
- Display (where space is available) at all tournaments
- Ex-officio member on the Advisory Board of Directors
- First option for subsequent year sponsorship
- Highlighted as Mate Sponsor on all recognition posts
Top Billfish Boat Sponsor*: $15,000
- Recognition in the Series Newsletter
- Invitation to and recognition at the Awards Reception
- Logo link on website
- Logo on Series banner
- Social media (general coverage, minimum of 2 dedicated post during the Series)
- Appreciation award presented at Awards Reception
- Literature distributed in Series boat bags
- Logo revolving on front page of website
- Ability to use our logo in advertising
- Newsletter ad (1/2 page)
- Banner displayed at all tournaments
- VIP passes to all tournament events (6 passes) OR $1000 off tournament entry fee
- Large GCBS flag
- Recognized by each tournament
- Display (where space is available) at all tournaments
- Ex-officio member on the Advisory Board of Directors
- First option for subsequent year sponsorship
- Highlighted as Top Billfish Boat sponsor on all recognition posts
If none of these sponsorship levels fit your needs as an organization or individual, please contact us for further discussion on customizing a sponsorship. All social media coverage is at staff’s discretion.
*Category preference is first come, first served, and only one sponsor per $15,000 level.